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Massage The Body Bar directly onto skin to clean and invigorate. Avoid using on face or neck. Use daily or as desired.
Cleanse your face and neck with...
Buffs & Gently Polishes
Sustainable Palm Oil
Supercharge the Skin
Antioxidant Rich Moisture
Exfoliates Skin
Helps Moisturize Skin
Can I use the Body Bar in the bath?
Yes! The body bar can be used in the bath, we recommend keeping it out of the water to preserve lifespan except when actively using.
Is The Body Bar safe for sensitive skin?
Yes, The Body Bar uses naturally-derived plant based ingredients that are gentle and great for all skin types. It is free from irritants including sulfates, added dyes, and synthetic fragrances.
Why is RSPO certified palm better?
It was crucial to us that all palm ingredients used in The Body Bar formula are Certified RSPO. Despite palm oil’s unique qualities to cleanse and moisturize, if it is produced unsustainably, it can have negative impacts – on the environment, on wildlife and on human rights. Learn more here: https://rspo.org/why-sustainable-palm-oil/
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Caldera + Lab is committed to Transparency, Sustainability, and Excellence. Our products are certified by the world’s leading, independent regulatory agencies.